The Curse of the Neuron Colour Code

Jan 05, 2012 15:46

Currently my brain is falling over due to lurgey and my voice has fekked off entirely. This does give me an excuse to type about the trials and joys of neurons and new computers.

Everybody knows that getting a new computer (especially one with updated programs and OS) means not only do you have to transfer all your data and your preferences, but then you must spend a while working out where the new OS and programs *put* everything (usually followed by working out how to tell them to put it somewhere else, thanks). For me, there must also be new icons and a new background. And then a new lj colour scheme, mood theme and icons as the old ones clash. My neurones get quite huffy about this sort of thing. Seriously. It's like some weird form of aesthetic OCD...

Aaanyway. Mac's new OS Lion has a sidebar on all the file windows where you can put favourite files and shortcuts. But you can only use these dull grey default icons and not whatever personalised icon you picked out. Like this:

Fekk knows why. You could have whatever you wanted in SnowLeopard. T'feh. This is not helpful for someone who works their way around a computer via bright picture-thoughts.

So today I set about changing it. Several comment threads, a downloaded program or two, some magic words stuck in AppleScript and added to the login run menu, and Mercy and I are victorious. I have pretty pretty icons =)

And yes, my movie folder has an Alien on it, the Sandman is on my picture file. (My public 'shared' folder has a shambly, not that it's on the sidebar...)

And now I shall take medicine to stop my neurones falling over and get on with the things I was *meant* to be doing.

mercy, random

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