Farewell Oastian Days.

Oct 04, 2011 15:12

Today I've mostly spent cooking; stew and pastry and quiche and soup. This is so when my father returns this eve it doesn't look like I've been quite happily been living on pickled herrings, tasty bread, tomatoes, greek yogurt and orange juice. (Although not all at one. Obviously.)

My Oast holiday was very nice thank you; neurons are a bit sadlyfoxears it will be coming to an end.
Tomorrow my brother James, his lady Sian, the neuron-niece and Maxling turn up to stay for a couple of weeks.

There will be noise and people again. Damn.
I mean, they're nice people and all. But I will have to shrink myself back into one room instead of having all of the Oast to spread imaginary wings through.
Ah well.

This song is slightly more indie-pop than my usual tastes, but I like it.

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