It's a strange questiony meme thing.

Oct 01, 2011 10:55

Leave me a comment saying something random, and I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. Your comment can be a lyric or a quote, or something about your day, or a picture - anything you choose - but it will brighten my day if it's about something that interests or inspires you ( Read more... )


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smescrater October 9 2011, 17:51:53 UTC
1. Give six-year-old-you three pieces of advice/warning/encouragement.

Oh what a question, the first one you asked and the last one I've answered as I've been typing this up.

So, six year old me…the things I would say are this:

1. Don't give it away. Life will be tough and you may not think you want it anymore but you will. As angry as you will be at the time, stop and think about who told you things and what they gained by doing so.
2. You are a really good kid and you have a lot to offer. Don't let the fact you don't seem to fit in put you off.
3. Keep on with telling people you like them. Life is too short and there's not enough of that simplicity and honesty in the world.

2. Put three things in a box which best sum you up to someone who hasn’t met you before.

The box is origami and folded out of one single sheet of thickish paper. It is filled with coffee beans, inside is an ivory coloured six sided dice, each side etched with cogs surrounding the number. The last item…Hmmm, I think I shall go with a small red glass heart.

3. Has a book ever changed your life? If so, what was it?

I was just talking about this subject this very afternoon. There's one book that has entered my psyche and has never let go. The hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy came into my life, made me laugh and cast wry observations about life, bureaucracy and made me want things like the guide to exist, sub-etha thumbs and the whole thing. Given the option I'd either like to design planets for a living, or go off and be a writer for the guide.

4. You may take one aspect away from your character *or* put a new one in. Which do you chose and what is it?

I'd take away the insecurity. In particular the bits that make me worry I'm not good enough when I actually am. That would leave so much room for just getting the hell on with things I think!

5. You go to a pub at World’s End. In it is sat someone from history. You buy a round of coffee/drinks and go join them. Who is it?

This is such a hard question, well they all are really. I'm trying to avoid naming someone obvious, although for all the usual suspect I would love to sit down with them and pick their brains and find out everything about the real them, the choices they had and the decisions they made.

I think though I'd love to talk to Sir Richard Francis Burton, traveller, explorer and overall adventurer with so much fascinating history about him. I'd love to find out more about his travels, his life and about who he was a a person. I developed a fascination for him as he appeared as a lead character in the Riverworld series of books by Philip Jose Farmer.

Hopefully that gives you something to think about. :D


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