I listened to Figgy McDuff's version of Henri Martin - lookitup, is fun. (This here isn't it, but works -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcrNySdHKDQ ) Then I wrote this.
In the way of all shanties there is a rhythm (7+5/7/11/7 for the verses, 9/8/6/5/7 for the chorus) but there's an amount of squishing and dropping syllables where appropriate or depending on what version you're following - also occasional repetition of line ends. Follow the main beat of the song though, you'll work it out. I hope.)
Actually, I've been writing this before sleep at 3am when knackered - and either tipsy or weird to boot, so possibly it won't rhyme scan or make sense. Erm. It's about Black Keziah in her Harbinger guise, being a pirate and shadow weaving her ship out of trouble. It is, like all folk songs, meant to sound supernatural and cool whilst being a bit vague on the specifics 'cos the specifics are hard to scan. If it's awful and I'm too tired to notice please do inform me. Anyway.
I'm hoping someone (Maz and Blade, I'm looking awful hard at you two) will feel fit to put this to music - some sort of fucked up goth anthem sea shanty with lots of violins. (Prods you both with sticks. Drops stick and runs away.)
Reefs and shallows and wreckers off rocks
Strike fear into sailors at sea
But worst scourge of all was
The Devil’s own wife
And Harbinger was named she...
There’s a ship in the shadows - a craft with tall mast
With colours grey as the grave:
And she sails in darkness and cannot be beat,
And none who sight her are saved.
The captain’s a woman with crow black locks and with
Looks dread commanding and fair
With lips the blood scarlet of roses aflame
None cross her for none will dare.
She’s a brace of flint pistols strapped over her breasts
A coat made of velvet so fine
And a blade called Malaal sleeps snug at her hip -
Death-bringer t’men o’the line .
Reefs and shallows and wreckers off rocks
Strike fear into sailors at sea
But worst scourge of all was
The Devil’s own wife
And Harbinger was named she...
From the Isla de Muerta her hold full of gold
Sailed Harbinger and her crew.
And wily James Northreps in a ship o’the line
Set course and gave his peruse.
The topsail was hoisted the West wind it did catch
They sprung like hounds from the slip
And Northreps did swear he’d the bitch for his prize
The capturing of her ship.
Captain Northreps was Navy, he ran a sharp rig,
But Pirates are hard men an’ true:
They all bent their backs in and sweated their worth
Each hand of’em gave all his due.
Reefs and shallows and wreckers off rocks
Strike fear into sailors at sea
But worst scourge of all was
The Devil’s own wife
And Harbinger was named she...
Gaunt Rodriguez was First Mate, he’d voice of the crew:
Stood before his Captain and mast -
“We cannot out run him nor have we the guns,
This battle will sure be our last.”
Now the reason they called her the devil’s own wife
Was by their fair Captain made clear
She stepped into shadow and out the abyss
With ship and with crew she did steer.
Captain Northreps he was good his prey was in sight,
Sure that he had run her aground -
When Harbinger and her crew slipped from his sight,
Not one poor soul could be found.
Reefs and shallows and wreckers off rocks
Strike fear into sailors at sea
But worst scourge of all was
The Devil’s own wife
And Harbinger was named she...
The captain she measured full length on the deck,
For the task it had taxed her sore
But the crew they loved their dread Captain fair
And witchery they did ignore.
So if you’re an Admiral with Letter of Marque
This advice I give t’ you free
Avoid yea the black ship all shadowed o’mast
Or to Davey Jones with thee!
Reefs and shallows and wreckers off rocks
Strike fear into sailors at sea
But worst scourge of all was
The Devil’s own wife
And Harbinger was named she...