...I'm meeting someone and I'm always keeping her waiting..."
'Now listen, listen t'me guv’nor - ssh - I went out for a jimmy riddle just now, guess what I saw? They're getting' themselves sorted out down on the beach the boats are back an' the geezer from the buffs is marchin' us down at seven... we're away. We're off home mate. So get some more sleep an' no more of your bleedin' shoutin' - alright?'
Sleep at 2am, awake at 5.30 - although at least that wasn't from weird dreams.
Gods. There must and shall be tea. I feel fekking wrecked.
The list of words my mother can still use is as follows: yes, why, here, it's, the, man, there, what, that, no, I, she, he, two, three. Now a smart person with the ability to point at what they were after could probably get pretty far on 'yes', 'no', 'that' and 'why'. It'd be hard to discuss current events, true, but for day-to-day being understood I think it would do okay. Trouble is my mother doesn't have the ability to recognise let alone point at what she wants. (If she is cold she will not wrap herself in the blanket sitting next to her as she doesn't comprehend its blanketiness even if you tell her, and when she is wrapped in it she will take it off as she recognises it as something in need of tidying to the other end of the sofa and not a thing keeping her warm.) Anyway. All other communication is in the form of words such as 'treedle farling horst' and the like. It's all a bit fucking incomprehensible. I lie. It's totally fucking incomprehensible. Other than not being able to speak at all I don't see how it can get worse.
What else? I have no idea whether I'll get a cheque from my father in the next two days and therefore be able to pay rent, and if I do it'll be right up to the wire as to whether it clears in time. This is worrying me quite a bit actually. Not that there's a single bloody thing I can do about it.
I've been writing story and drawing tarot. Both are similar to pulling teeth for different reasons. (This is inbetween getting up every ten minutes to chase after my mother who's whimpering in the kitchen.)
I'm starting to wonder if crazy shell-shock nightmares aren't actually more fun...
Oh, here - try this quiz:
http://www.schoolshistory.org.uk/westernfront/Western%20Front%20Sim.htm It's possible to score 80+ if you're either lucky or knowledgeable.