"So come to me my love...

Jun 29, 2009 16:02

...I'll tap into your strength and drain it dry
Can never have enough
For you I'd burn the length and breadth of sky..."

Maz turned up on Friday, proclaiming himself pleased with Hayes' new paint-job and frosty blood and sugar coating. Cue vast relief on my part since I'm not entirely sure what I would have done if he'd said 'erkk!'.

Saturday I managed to have breakfast with Maz and Blade in Camden, which was well worth the effort even if distressingly short. I really should have breakfast with friends more often.

ZG-not-Mummy was supposed to be a grand battle but ended up simply frustrating. Half the people I required for the plan of doom were absent or uncommunicative or both which was vexing since I'd been trying to sort this for several months. *sigh* It left me flailing about trying to sort replacements and not liking my choice of applicants.

Sabbat was more fun as I got to dress up in my steam-punk gear and be some random bouncy saaf ludun wench called Zev. After that my night improved significantly as I went to Vagabonds in the company of colonel_maxim and Maz and saw a couple of people I haven't seen for at least seven years. I was also chatted up by the reincarnation of an Egyptian Queen (so she said) which was entertaining. The set list was a hundred times better than last time, there was rather a lot of dancing, and all in all it was a shiny night I felt very much in need of.

Sunday involved me being mildly hung over and utterly shattered, so I went back to bed and dozed for another couple of hours. Didn't play Mage, read instead - something I do distressingly little of these days.

Mortals involved more futile attempts at organization and growing levels of frustration as half of Ash's team had to be replaced at very short notice with a bunch of people she neither cared for nor trusted but had no choice but to accept since the world was at stake. Both she and I watched our chances of success diminish one by one due to last minute changes and time constraints culminating in no actual battle plan and a bunch of people present she'd cheerfully murder.

Green dragon was summoned. Rkleish was betrayed and killed, became the willing sacrifice, thereby allowing the Wyrm to manifest. The Wyrm laughed and said, 'Cheers a lot, I owe you one - tea and biscuits for all who want them!' Everybody went home.

Am now attempting not to listen to the crazy Luna response to all this which is 'You have destroyed what is mine. I shall stalk this isle, reaping everybody I meet into a harvest of corpses until the land sings my name in a single bloody scream'. Which, y'know, seems a bit harsh on everybody else really. In her current mindset I don't think Ash is going to make it to the Final Battle. Feh.

Today I have been unwinding, writing tat and thinking up jacket designs.

happy, bitching, zg

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