My week...

May 04, 2009 11:31

...was odd.

At the beginning I went AWOL for a few days - which for some reason worries people if you can't be contacted and were last seen in a storming mood advocating suicide. It didn't really sort my head out it just proved that if you're going to live then parks are not the place to do it and that the modern world sucks but hot showers are a thing of godsgiven beauty. I then kinda decided not to eat on the grounds that it would either make me thin, dead, or bored with melodrama and so I'd stop fekking about. Since that decision there hasn't been a day when I haven't been in the company of the only two people I know who can make me eat just by dint of being them. There is a possibility the world is trying to tell me something.

I have been working on Hayes the guitar, and although nothing has gone terribly wrong yet, the results aren't as good as first hoped. (Masking out stuff with latex works wonderfully. Getting the latex off without tearing up the new paintwork? Tricky. This requires further thought and fixing.) Although neurons giggled lots when asked 'how far have you got?' and I replied 'Oh I've covered Hayes in latex...' because there's an unlikely and interesting image if ever there was one.

Somewhen in the week Mercy's powercable quietly exploded and refused to work. This led to a couple of very dull days without a computer. Tziganka came to my rescue above and beyond all duty because she is a strange and wondrous goddess in human seeming whose only faults are getting distracted by yellow t-shirts and pouring me as much vodka as she pours herself =) And since I've accepted a contract out on yellow t-shirt boy, that fault is not long for this world.

ZG games on sunday were quiet and blank for me, mostly because of away missions and such. Still, I have some stories I need to write and at least one conversation to be had in my head that's going to be *very* interesting, so not all bad.

Today I've been looking at my finances and working out if I can pay June's rent on my Barclaycard. Heh - it would appear buying one's self time is expensive. Also I'm writing to housing people and bitching at them for their ridiculous reasoning. We shall see if this gets me respite or further depression.

I'm working on a strange tarot deck with a new major and minor arcana. It's simpler than the traditional one and doesn't repeat itself so often. Have no idea if it will work.

I need tea and then I shall see what can be done to smarten up Hayes. I also need to find where the fuse box is 'cos all the lights have gone. *sigh*

update, hiatus

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