
Nov 17, 2008 03:04

Notes: Subject is a competent Level 3 Psi. Veritas was not engaged because a reading could not be taken. Empath Colour Codes were discernable and logged where appropriate as perceived. See chart overlay. Subject’s highest spike was 0.7; far below average. This suggests either a controlled psychopathy, the presence of alien beta-wave readings, a Thrall implant or that the subject is more powerful than a Level 3. Further tests needed.

Begin Trans:

Questor - How would you rate her performance?

Mercy - (pause) She’s not a bad leader. She ensures the team knows each other’s strengths and weaknesses. She questions planning to make sure it’s sound. She is a competent combatant. She has experience in many situations... Although obviously she has far greater experience within her own World - I have no doubt she is a fine leader there.

Questor - So any short-comings she has are simply due to the difference in environment?

Mercy - (slowly) She is... S’ven akarish il... ghat p’varwen? High stringed? Is that the phrase? High-strung, yes. She seems to need intoxicants to ensure she does not succumb to the stresses of her position... (shrugs) Or perhaps it is just what they do where she comes from, I don’t know.

Questor - In your opinion could her behaviour have risked the success of the team?

Mercy - (unconcerned) Perhaps.

Questor - Yet you made no comment at the time?

Mercy - No. She required such things to function. We required her to function. Unless her habits actively endangered us, there was no reason to raise the issue. Why argue?

Questor - You avoided confrontation with her?

Mercy - (considering) She... she is used to having people do as she says without question. She is not used to those she views as inferior disagreeing with her. This might have been what caused the problem I suppose... or possibly it was my laughing at her... Mmm, on reflection I think it was the laughing.

Questor - Ah, this was when you were in Ekaterina’s rooms, when you first transferred to LV426. You mentioned earlier it was not a pleasant reunion with your comrades. Why was that?

Mercy - (frowning) She was in a bad mood - a very bad mood. I don’t think she was pleased to have so many people appear in her room... Not that we'd had a choice in the matter. Also Mr Ken and Mr Bishop had guns and had not been introduced; I don’t think that helped. Mr Bishop and she fought.

Questor - What did you do?

Mercy - Handstands. Oh - and shielded her. I didn’t see why they should be fighting and there was no reason for her to die. Then the other man stepped in front of Mr Bishop and mostly killed him. That seemed to please her a great deal.

Questor - And then?

Mercy - It didn’t please me; I stopped him dying. There was still arguing and it was still boring so I lay down next to Mr Bishop to better keep an eye on him. He is quite presumptuous, even when he’s asleep...

Questor - Is this what Ekaterina took exception to?

Mercy - I don’t know... No, I think it was because I asked her why she was in a bad mood. She snarled a lot at that and told me to get out of her room.

Questor - Did you?

Mercy - No.

Questor - Why? That’s hardly avoiding confrontation.

Mercy - (simply) I thought she was having a tantrum. I didn’t understand why her room was so important - especially when it appeared to be on the wrong planet - nor why she was so angry. I didn’t mean to provoke her - but she looked exactly like Dius when his toy was taken away - small, indignant and burning with little rages. (shrugs) So I laughed. She told me to get out or she would throw me from the window. She tried. (pause) That didn’t really work. So then she decided she would kill me instead. As far as I can tell, not allowing myself to be thrown out of the window was a deep offense to her honour. She was shouting things about honour and insults and how I’d probably kill her but she didn’t care. She tried to decapitate me with her flux-sword.

Questor - How did you feel about this?

Mercy - Confused. I didn’t see why I should be thrown out of a window nor why we should fight. She could not beat me and I had no wish to kill her - so what was the point? I suppose I also felt... k’shen... I don’t think you have a word for it. Sad. Vexed? I thought it very poor she should try so hard to kill me simply for laughing at her - especially since I had shielded her from Mr Bishop when they fought.

Questor - What did you do?

Mercy - Nothing.

Questor - Her blade penetrated your shields, did it not?

Mercy - Yes. I decided then to jump out of the window - I thought it might make her feel better...

Questor - Did it?

Mercy - No. She shouted things - I think they were supposed to be belittling, but they only would have hurt if I’d been her. (frowns) She said she would kill me when she had the chance - she seemed quite set on it. Then she said she was going to leave as she couldn’t in good conscience lead a group when she wished to kill one member as a matter of honour.

Questor - What did you do?

Mercy - I left them all at the market place. It was better that she stay with Jenny and Mr Ken and the others - she has friends in strange places, I was sure she would get them home. Besides, she is used to watching out for a team, I am used to watching out for me. I thought it was the simplest solution.

Questor - Was the simplest solution not just to kill her?

Mercy - Hm? No, otherwise I would have done it.

Questor - What about you? Were you not concerned about your future?

Mercy - (smiles) The future happens. I am quite good at looking after myself - I’ve had practice... (suddenly) I am going to leave now.

Questor - Sit down, please. We’ve not finished, Mercy.

Mercy - Yes. You have.

Questor - You can’t... Wh... ar... y... ...ng? .....! .... ... ... ....


End Trans.


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