
Sep 12, 2008 10:03

is cold and grey in many ways.
i am considering going back to bed.
possibly for a week.

drawing progresses slowly.
Blackfriar looks too young and skinny and therefore useless. Anesthesia and Richard as the Warrior look okay though. Similarly I am pleased with Door but Hunter is too super-model-like. Bleh. i need drawing pens which don't clog over pencil and also don't bleed onto the paper. this is apparently an impossibility.

i think i need to cheer my neurons up somehow before bad things happen. i don't really have any ideas though. there was a dress i've wanted for ever on ebay. but the pages took five minutes each to load so the auction ended. then again i'm sure i'm meant to be doing better things with my money.

also i should go and do shopping for stuff like bread, butter, milk and possibly something with vitamins in it.
but neurons fail to see the point.
i have tea and sugar. eating is something other people do. if i go to a supermarket i will get twitchy and end up just buying vodka. which is sort of tempting in itself.

it's cold.


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