I think Rain must be my Faery Godmother...

Sep 05, 2008 12:56

Yesterday I went to see Rain and we had tea and fresh bread at the French place that serves all beverages in bowls.

Also I got given presents of very swish eyeliner, amazing red eyeshadow and dark spiced chocolate - squee!

Then we walked to Covent Garden and the Bead Shop where I bought little netsuke-type beads for Ash to use and for me to gift Rain in return. Then back to Carnaby Street to the other bead shop to get things to put with the netsuke, mostly jet and bone.

By this time we were hungry and foot-sore sore, so had restorative dim-sum and plum wine. Got a blongey-looking text from Matt saying he was out this eve so decided to stay in Rain's company. China Town followed, then up to Angel where Rain is flat-sitting.

At the flat I was claimed by a dapper old gent who was quite insatiable and had a habit of drooling when happy - otherwise known as the attention starved cat or said residence.

Blade dropped by and all of a sudden there was an impromptu Trinity meet; something which is always a rare occurrence.

Was kept up half the night by the old gentleman cat who craved attention constantly and would poke one with a very cold and damp nose until he got it.

In the morning was fed coffee and toasted bagels and given a pile of random clothes to have (I am feeling somewhat spoilt =) We walked from Angel back to Waterloo and Rain went to work and I back to Ladywell. Neurons are tired and happy.

I have no idea whether Matt noticed my absence from the flat last night, there is a good chance he didn't if he came in late and slept in the spare room. (I am considering telling him I had an affair with an insatiable old gent in Angel - but that is rather mean.) If only Matt could either stop being blongey or tell me why he's in such a mood my life would presently be perfect I think.

sunday gentleman

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