Hello darlings...

Jun 07, 2007 10:50

Okay. Some of you may know that Grim wrote a game called Bloodsucker: the Angst. It was a pisstake of Cam and all thing vampiric. I did some drawings for it. You can pick it up here - http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=15994 and ( Read more... )

happy, neverwhere, meme

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castorlion June 7 2007, 10:41:22 UTC
Hello! Last night I dreamed that the pieces of Osiris were actually people and that you and I were two of them.

I just thought you'd want to know. You had cool sparkly crystals, as well.


wraithwitch June 7 2007, 10:46:22 UTC
That's really weird - and rather cool.
Which bits were we? Or was it rather hard to tell?

Hurrah for sparkly crystals - did they have arcane and mystical powers?
*is hopeful*



castorlion June 7 2007, 10:57:58 UTC
I don't know, it's rather hard to remember. I think we developed shiny powers that differed depending on which part we were and the metaphorical theme attached to that part, but I can't remember who was what. I know that Andy and Elle appeared in the dream, but they weren't special like us (bwa ha ha!).

And yeah, the crystals had shiny powers. One was a tiny diamond type thing (the size of a fingernail) on a pedestal of giger-aliens sculpted out of gold.

Dreams are wierd.

Which part do you reckon you should have been? And what powers would you have?


wraithwitch June 7 2007, 11:20:41 UTC
Dreams are cool when they're wierd =)

Hmmm. It depends what was going on in the dream as to what part and power I'd like to have I think.

Some of my neurons like the idea of being the left hand of Osiris, which they equate with magic, prophecy, randomness and the lands of the dead - maybe a bit like being an honourable Euthanatos.

Some neurons are sold on being his Kiabit (all right, not strickly allowed, but still) and being all dark, insane, vengeful and CheeseApple-ish.

Many neurons like the idea of being the shattered D'jet or spine and each vertibrae representing a different figment of me each with a different power. (heh - maybe that's cheating and greedy too, but at least it gives variety.)

What d'you think?

What part would you be? (Neurons think either the face or the heart with the power to govern illusion or emotion...)


castorlion June 7 2007, 11:58:12 UTC
Well, you were the one in the dream who had the collection of magical crystals - you know those fantasy themed ornaments that all have a sparkly crystal built into them somewhere? Sort of like those - so I think you should go with the left hand.

And I think my dream agrees with your neurons about the Heart business - I seem to have a dim recollection of Mati-esque wussy powers.


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