May 28, 2007 00:35
He looked at her. "D'you really want to know?"
She scowled at his tone and the glass with the dark cloudy dregs in it. "Probably not. But I'd still like you to tell me. What is it?"
He smiled; it was neither a happy nor a proud smile. "Laudanum," he said.
Today was a much better day.
This morning I finished my second picture which is much better than the first. I'd show you, but the subject matter would bore by now and my brother has piked the scanner.
*looks irritated*
Actually that's quite a pain in the arse - I shall have words with him over that.
This afternoon I packed my bag and ventured into london to play ZG. I probably should have eaten supper all things considered, but neurons couldn't be bothered at the time. Halfway through the game I started shaking and shivering like a mad thing and both my hands were numb with pins and needles to my wrists. I found this weird and entertaining and wonderfully useful for being consumptive.
The game contained whiskey, conversation, almost-violence, almost-melodrama and general amusement. This makes my neurons happy - but then that's not really surprising, is it?
My only current irritation is that I must work tomorrow and so can't stay up all night drinking more whiskey and drawing more pictures and gallivanting with people tomorrow. *sigh* Bother money and the bookshop.