*Looks Irritated*

Nov 01, 2006 16:06

White Wolf, oh how I occasionally despise you.

I can live with the fact you pillaged strange words and turned them into names for vampiric disciplines.

I can even (just about) cope with the fact that all the words you used were long, and yet a gamer's mouth and memory is small - or do I mean 'impatient'? - so every name is mutilated until only the first syllable remains.

I did not attempt to blow up your offices despite the fact you leashed the word 'Tzimisce' upon the great consciousness of the world... and everyone has been disagreeing about how to pronounce the fecking thing ever since.

(Zmissay. Zmissee. Zimeetsay. Tsimeetz. Tchimisee. Not to mention the whole Kimistry-Kym'stry-Shimistry thing. Look it up in a bloody dictionary - the word is Chimera, pronounced /kI'mIərə, kaI-/ [ki-meer-uh, kahy-]. It's not Shimmy-rah, that would be the badly dancing offspring of She-ra, surely?)

No, feck it, they're all ultimately made up words, fine, pronounce them how you like.

What really pisses me off is taking a perfectly real word and just messing it up.
The word is MONOMACHY you bastards. It means 'duel / single combat'.
Mono-MAN-cy doesn't exist, and if it did I can only hazard it would refer to having one hand, or possibly only one house.

Fie upon you all.

bitching, zg

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