Script again...

Oct 24, 2006 22:28

In an attempt to raise winterfest funds (and, I must confess, funds for myself) I have been script writing.

There are (heh, amongst so many others) two scenes I am stuck on.
Might I garner assistance from any of you darlings who might have an idea or two spare?

Look at plot ingredients and see if you have any thoughts.
If not read my wibble and attempt to fill in gaps - please?

Scene One: Medieval.
Plot staples: England. In love girl, In love boy, stone angel, violence and tragedy, death, stranger with resurrection powers, happy ending.

This is set somewhere in England in the Dark Ages. Viking raiders or some sort of terribly exciting and terminal event is happening locally. There is a boy, there is a girl - they are in love. One or the other (perhaps even both) of them is/are skilled at carving stone. One carves an image of the other as an angel. Vikings or plague or witch burnings or something happens: there is tragedy - one of them dies. The other goes a bit mad. A stranger arrives due to events and (sort of in a weird way you don't need to worry about) resurrects the dead one. The lovers transcend or whatever and all is happy.

Scene Two:WW1-ish
Plot staples: Europe. Hero, old friend, Villain, explosions and tragedy, hero fails and is brought low, unhappy ending.

Balkans in 1904. Hero (young english lord) has (for reasons I cannot possibly entertain) travelled to Bosnia to visit an old friend. Unknown to him, his arch enemy is also in the same town. (why? gods know.) Villain has discovered that killing Duke Ferdinand and starting WW1 will fuck up Hero's life (no, really). Plots to do so. Hero is warned by old friend but is powerless to stop plot. People die. Villain triumphant.

I know they're kinda poor as ideas go and fuller of holes than sieves. If you can weave better I would dearly love to hear it.
Any assistance entertained and appreciated...


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