
May 21, 2006 11:20

Yesterday moods were up and down like a strange yoyo thing which i personally found rather anoying.
Also i swapped my new phone for a chinese takeaway.

DA was quiet and I spent the evening studiously pretending to carve a bit of labradourite. In truth Seraphim should have been elsewhere and not at court at all, but that would have left me very bored.

Am currently feeling on the outside of every circle to the extent that i'm occasionally not talking to people because it looks like their group is having a perfectly good conversation without me.
Hello neurosies. i hate you.

Today i am tired. And sort of mook.

i have a day at the bookshop to look forward to which could be anything from mildly amusing to utterly unbearable.

Katie has someone in her room. They spent 40mins in the shower, turned lights on and left them on and are now smoking out the window of her room. All i can smell is stale cigarette.
i hate them and want to stab them. i'm aware i might just be being a little unreasonable.

i think i want to be curled up with a wolf. but i can't cos he's at school and i have to go to work. feh.


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