(no subject)

Oct 27, 2005 19:52

ventruemailuk [offline 6:34:22 pm]: Poooookkkkkkk?>
wraithwitch [7:44:47 pm]: poooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk?
ventruemailuk [7:45:12 pm]: debum to you to
wraithwitch [7:45:29 pm]: um
wraithwitch [7:45:34 pm]: wtf?
ventruemailuk [7:45:52 pm]: you spoke and the world made noise for it was quiet
wraithwitch [7:46:06 pm]: oh. er. sorry?
ventruemailuk [7:46:13 pm]: :-h
wraithwitch [7:47:04 pm]: i think my wolf has been possessed. or disappeared.
ventruemailuk [7:47:22 pm]: ((smiley face icon))
ventruemailuk [7:47:32 pm]: =))
wraithwitch [7:47:34 pm]: yeah
wraithwitch [7:47:37 pm]: going now
ventruemailuk [7:47:43 pm]: oh dont go
wraithwitch [7:47:51 pm]: why?
ventruemailuk [7:47:58 pm]: i be sensible
wraithwitch [7:48:16 pm]: you can be what you like
ventruemailuk [7:48:26 pm]: oh kee in a bad mood
wraithwitch [7:48:35 pm]: no
wraithwitch [7:48:45 pm]: raven's mood is fine
wraithwitch [7:49:11 pm]: raven just not keen on talking to anyone on yahoo when they sound like someone else
ventruemailuk [7:49:18 pm]: oh
ventruemailuk [7:50:03 pm]: *considers killing himself*
wraithwitch [7:50:25 pm]: okay, definitely going now
wraithwitch [7:50:32 pm]: will be back in a bit
ventruemailuk [7:51:13 pm]: oh
ventruemailuk [7:51:20 pm]: have fun then
wraithwitch [7:51:22 pm]: hopefully by then the world will be more normal and everyone will be behaving like themselves

It is odd. When we talk on yahoo there is a certain amount of trust placed that the person we are typing to is actually who they say they are. ie, that 'astrowshadow' is actually wolf, and not someone who's using his computer. Without thinking about it, our neurons process conversation style and keyboard icons, checking to make sure they are consistent with the person we know. When their style suddenly deviates, it sets off warning signals in our brain... and is rather freaky and ick.

wraithwitch: hello
ventruemailuk: Raven?
wraithwitch: meep
ventruemailuk: I Love you
wraithwitch: ?
ventruemailuk: because i do, because of who you are, because you look after me, regardless of words said and things done
wraithwitch: you're being very strange this eve. why are you being so strange?
ventruemailuk: i dont know
wraithwitch: and what words said and things done do you have in mind?
wraithwitch: you are being imensely odd
ventruemailuk: misuderstandings words unsaid, all are present
wraithwitch: *bemused* like?
ventruemailuk: i dont know
wraithwitch: well apparently your neurons are guilting you with something, we're just kinda curious as to what
ventruemailuk: i think i fear for the words unsaid, words thought but not uttered, a distance, but what fills that hole i do not know
ventruemailuk: i think i am being strange
ventruemailuk: perhaps i am simply suffering raven dep
wraithwitch: i've told you, you *are* being strange. so you have many words unsaid in your brain?
ventruemailuk: does everyone not
ventruemailuk: the nature of relationships is odd, there are always lines, seperations
wraithwitch: *looks bemused and weary* okay boy, what have you been doing or not doing and how much alcohol have you consumed today and / or do you have a temperature?
ventruemailuk: i am warm but i think it is my room, today i have been at work, about a can
wraithwitch: hmmm
ventruemailuk: "scars are souvenirs you never lose, the past is never far, did you lose yourself somewhere out there..."
ventruemailuk: Perhaps i should leave you to your evening
wraithwitch: no i didn't lose myself. and i'm only too aware of the first couple of lyrical points thanks
ventruemailuk: "Nobody had ever seen my flood of tears I can't believe you found me here It took some time to find these words I wrote them down in hope that they might help Watch me walk barefoot on glass Insecure as only a newborn child can be Others came to laugh at me They pointed fingers as I could see Believe me saying it's not the skin It's the stranger living deep inside"
wraithwitch: okay, so you appear to have gone uber strange and mopey and are talking to me in lyric quotes. great.
wraithwitch: what are you actually doing with your eve?
wraithwitch: and what do you actually *want* to be doing?
ventruemailuk: work, beer, mopey
ventruemailuk: i dont know what i wish to be doing, perhaps i should be more civil.
ventruemailuk: hello raven, how are you today? how was your evening? was seeing Ben fun? how was you shopping trip?
wraithwitch: more civil? ah. i see. why are you moping?
ventruemailuk: why does the sky rain?
wraithwitch: because angels are peeing?
ventruemailuk: *is rather horrified*
wraithwitch: it was a stupid question and you're being a mopey and unhelpful git. so.
wraithwitch: why are you mopey this eve?
wraithwitch: and don't you think it's a bad idea and you should stop it?
ventruemailuk: would if i could#
wraithwitch: so what is depressing you?
ventruemailuk: i cannot win
wraithwitch: what can't you win my wolf?
ventruemailuk: why do you put up with mee?
wraithwitch: *pats the wolf on the head* answer the question wench
ventruemailuk: how many times have you lied to me?
wraithwitch: erm
wraithwitch: i don't know. i mean, neurons want to say 'never' but they're not perfectly certain it's true, yet at the same time they can't remember lying to you
wraithwitch: possibly somewhere between never and three?
wraithwitch: why?
ventruemailuk: do you think we are well suited you and i
wraithwitch: yes, wolves and ravens seem to work well
wraithwitch: why?
wraithwitch: could you answer some of my questions please?
ventruemailuk: because i am curious
wraithwitch: yeah, why are you curious?
wraithwitch: something has set you on this chain of thought
wraithwitch: what is it?
ventruemailuk: i am fearful of words unsaid
wraithwitch: like what?!
wraithwitch: tell me something you haven't said
ventruemailuk: you know me, you read me as though i were a childrens book
wraithwitch: sometimes, and sometimes not
wraithwitch: come on
wraithwitch: stop pokking at your wrists, reading books, watching anime or staring into space
ventruemailuk: i fail to see why i need say anymore when you already seem to know all
wraithwitch: keecher!
ventruemailuk: what?
wraithwitch: because it will stop me being quite such an irate raven?
ventruemailuk: i do not know what i anything at all i have not said i do know there are times of quite between us when nothing is said
wraithwitch: oh-kaay... why are your neurons suddenly wibbling about it/
ventruemailuk: who knows the will of neurons, and how they leap from topic to topic like a man with a death wish leaping from building to building and then suddenly plumiting to the floor
wraithwitch: i see.
wraithwitch: and why can't you win?
wraithwitch: and win at what?
ventruemailuk: the world,life, telepathy would be useful if someone annoying to those around me
wraithwitch: *laugh* hm
wraithwitch: why can't you win little wolf?
ventruemailuk: cos we is just a little wolf in a big world
wraithwitch: i know, but you have keechers with you to help
wraithwitch: what is vexing your wolf brain this eve and making you want to give up?
ventruemailuk: http://www.harrison-keller.com/wolves/no_worry.jpg
wraithwitch: yes keecher. *skritches you behind the ears* and the answer please?
ventruemailuk: *does not know*
wraithwitch: soooo...
wraithwitch: how can you be so sure you can't win at it?
wraithwitch: *goes to get drink while her wolf stares at things / mopes / cleans blood off keys / whatever*

As we can see, the eve did not entirely improove.

gentlemen aren't nice, head case

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