(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 18:33

*Wonders how much the hypocrite she is in this...*

It really pisses me off (in a very world-weary fashion) when I send texts to Wolf and his reply fields no questions and deflects all inquiries with such stubbornness that I know he's having a bad time and doesn't want to tell me because... well... I dunno really. I assume he has his reasons, but any I can think of are equally flimsy.

Although what is worse I feel, is when I send multiple texts throughout a day and receive no reply at all save, at the last minute, a missive five words or less which may as well say 'depressed: feck off'.

There is no malice in it, just distance, vast amounts - as much as can be reeled out. And I wonder if I am supposed to walk the miles to his side like a faerytale true love, or just shrug and leave him be until he decides to come back from his self-imposed exile.

And I have little grace and less patience no matter what others say; when someone turns away so needlessly and plays the exile or the martyr I find it hard to keep my temper. No matter that I know I should comfort or mind my own business and bide 'til they come back, what I really want to do is lamp them and walk off in a snit. Or at least spit at them how irreparably stupid they're being.

(Once again we see Raven's decree in effect: she is allowed to go far away, no one else is. Although in what little defense I have, I will say that silence has become a defense as natural to me as breathing, and it is a habit hard to break.)

Tomorrow we were going to go to Camden, but since for reason or reasons unknown Wolf isn't feeling communicative I guess we're not now.

Hello darkside neuron. What do you want? What if the wolf is shagging someone else? Then I hope he's having fun. Well what did you expect me to say to such a random notion? You may as well come and say 'zip drives float and eat smarties' - you'll get the sqame sort of blank response. Feck off and go to bed - the rest of you lot can join him shortly.

gentlemen aren't nice

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