Odd Meme

May 25, 2005 07:06

So, the idea is that you generate a list of random friends (using this: http://memegen.net/viewmeme.pl?meme=1074803717), then answer these questions, and other people have to guess who they are from the answers you give.

1. Who is #8 going out with? No one I believe, despite his frequent mention of Charlotte.
2. Is #9 a boy or a girl? Cute little dead girl.
3. Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? Erm... Not really. #2 has more sense and I think there might be some violence offered by #11's other half. Plus it would be a touch long-distance.
4. What is #6's favourite band? It changes, but some favourites are Live and Saybia.
5. Does #1 have any siblings? No, the blonde wench is an only child.
6. Would you ever date #7? *laughs* No, that would be very silly and terribly pointless.
7. What's #10's middle name? *tries to remember* Dunno. I know his school nick-name, but I doubt he'd thank me for putting it here.
8. What's #5's favourite thing to do? Bounce, plan doom, sit in holy places, drink beer. All at once.
9. Tell me a random fact about #11? He's a damn fine ST.
10. And #1: She's mad and can speak several languages.
11. And #3: He's going through a Byronic phase, or might be if one was dyslexic..
12. Where does #9 live? In hospital mostly.
13. What's #4's favourite color? I haven't a clue. Blue probably. His house is all kinda white and wood which doesn't help.
14. How did you meet #2? Vampire game when she joined our happy little band.
15. Does #10 have any pets? Not in his current abode, no. (Unless you count the PlayStation/Xbox)
16. Who on the list have you known the longest? #1 by far.
17. Who on the list lives furthest away from you? #11. He lives in a cultural desert far from civilization.
18. Who on the list owes you a mix CD? That's a stupid question and unhelpful unless you and your friends swap CDs everytime you meet.

This is an odd meme and seems to demonstrate (more than anything else I think) that I generally know little about those I associate with. I have tried to be kind and aid the guessing by giving clue-full answers though =)

histrionics, meme

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