If this is not the end of oblivion...

Feb 27, 2005 00:10

Ten things you probably haven't done.
(Wouldn't say these were exactly my best moments, but at least they're unusual...)

1. Written (and performed in) a successful Fringe show and then guest lectured about it at Edinburgh Uni.
2. Gone to Ljubljana.
3. Performed in a circus.
4. Been on the radio in Spain, aged six, composing 'weather ditties'.
5. Gone to Cambridge to attend the funeral of my longstanding imaginary boyfriend.
6. Done silversmithing & screenprinting and had pieces commissioned.
7. Contrived to be sent to A&E just to get out of lectures, and been given a temporary certificate of sanity by a doctor.
8. Painted murals on my wall.
9. Tapped the vein.
10. Been possessed unintentionally. Twice.

I had to leave my Wolf in the land of hats this eve; I was not allowed to steal him even when I offered to steal his work books too. Feh. The world is rather good at sucking in mundane and stupid ways, isn't it?

As usual my life is good if I stick my fingers in my ears when at home and sing 'la la la' so as to ignore my heart-broken brother, my solipsistic sister, my forgetful mother and my hideously-overworked father. Blergh. Perhaps I should be thinking of improving ways to spend £460 I don't really have on them instead? The question is, what the hell could I get that would help? Blergh again. I need a vast amount of money. Or magic of the sort that completely and utterly kicks the world's arse. *sigh*

My keyboard is now broken as broken after my brother took it apart and cleaned it. He is lending me his as temporary compensation.

So. Do I try to buy a new one off ebay? Do I wait on the grace of friends who have one spare? Or do I bludgeon my Barclay card into remission by buying a £550 white transcended Neuron?

Yeah, you can tell I'm edging towards the last one can't you?

*Tries to think impartially and financially. Goes to talk to James and poke websites. Returns.*

I have been asked why I want to buy a new computer and what I have against my strawberry hued and tattooed imac. Nothing at all is the answer; Neuron is meekle and little and holds all my stories and pictures and music without complaint (mostly). But on the down side Neuron is a bit slow, has 100M of memory left and is amazingly incompatible with lots of things as its brain runs OS 9. (Which oddly is also a kinda plus since I hate OS X.)

Hmm. It is possible I can get a Transcended Neuron for £460, if I buy one that came off the production line wrong-in-the-head and was fixed. This is very tempting. Any thoughts?


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