Poison Pen for Vampire...

Dec 07, 2004 02:03

Something else about Cam which has bugged me for a while and is a reason why I became set on Bedlam once I had it... Cinnamon's goals. Golconda looked to be going out of the window - if it had ever had a chance. The whole goddess thing fucked up after the ritual for CheeseApple... and the STs were never gonna drag back Jon to sail Spinnyone away into the sunset. So - that narrowed her options for escape and/or making a difference and helping people down to one option: Bedlam. And then that got taken away. Finally I got it back... and then I died.

Also it will surprise no one to hear that I'm really irked by Sean and his behaviour since he came out of Bedlam. He didn't talk to Spinnyone, he ran away, but more than that, he took charge of everything, locked her out of plot and stormed off to achieve on his own her original goals she had once hoped they would achieve together. Seeing him stride around barefoot, black-clad and with the marks of egypt upon him as he preached humanity, beat the hell out of people and called the lady 'Goddess', really fucking stung her and pissed me off.

It's really hard to roleplay someone with humanity 5 an true love when the person your bound too is constantly pissing you off.

*sigh* Yeah, I am being childish, I know. Bitching about the Lady and all things Egyptian being my own personal thing and how dare anyone run off with "my" plot. *Shrugs expansively* I just really dislike the way the double-helix spiraled and how that caused things to be handled by myself, by the STs and yes, most of all bt Paul. (Perhaps I'm being grossly unfair - heh - but since I don't talk to him nor him to me I guess I won't know.)

*Is bitter and unable to stem the bitterness nor help the situation.*

What would I like for Cinnamon? What in truth would she like most of all?
We would like to stand on the deck of the Mad Goblin and call out to all we know and love and offer them safehaven in Bedlam. Then we would like to hoist sails and stear the boat into the Insanity seas bordering that place and make that little universe our own with our friends.


Down goes the double helix... i abhore my behaviour then. And yet i know that was how it was and how it would be again were time repeated. Cinnamon's dark-half regrets not stringing out Sean's guts into a rosegarden. Cinnamon regrets letting him touch her like he did that night - she should have run like hell. And I regret sleeping with him. It seemed such a little thing, such a pointless thing to fuss about or care one way or the other... And it's true, it is... but unlike gifts or words you can never take the intimacy back no matter how hard you wish to. Upon occasion that can become a very important point indeed.


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