(no subject)

Jan 05, 2006 10:21

by limitedbythesky

WraithTDK's LJ New Year Party (Now At Least 7% Politically Correct!)

Started : 31st December 2005 09:28:10 PM

Ended : 01st January 2006 09:26:03 AM
Alco Money! : $ 307

Guests of Honour
behemoth is a buoyant Buddhist. behemoth drank 7 Vodkas, 12 Lagers.
january_dove is a vile Liberal Christian. january_dove drank 3 Gins.
genericcow is a radiant Hindu. genericcow drank 2 Absinthes, 9 Pernods, 4 Cosmopolitans, 1 White Russian.
stereophonicrpm is a demented Fundementalist Christian and a newbie drinker. stereophonicrpm decided to not drink because of their religious beliefs.
WraithTDK is a pleasant Taoist and a fiery pint monster. WraithTDK drank 1 Sambucca.
bellastrega is a compulsive Liberal Christian and a real tank-head. bellastrega drank 2 Poteens.
automig is an abominable Fundementalist Christian and the perfect example on why its probably best not to drink 10 bottles of wine a night who consistently mumbles profanities into the ears of old biddies on long haul flights. automig decided to not drink because of their religious beliefs.
filler13 is a repulsive Buddhist who enjoys starting fires in public, throwing bricks through windows and shitting in street corners filler13 drank 7 Goldschlagers.
godessdiana is a demented Fundementalist Christian. godessdiana decided to not drink because of their religious beliefs.
mustang1701 is a compulsive Taoist and is considering ditching their day job in order to become a professional Yard O' Aler. mustang1701 drank 1 Vodka, 2 Cosmopolitans.
foxlord is an animated Wiccan. foxlord drank 10 Absinthes, 1 Tequila.
gstar4robotboy is a dejected Muslim and is considering ditching their day job in order to become a professional Yard O' Aler. gstar4robotboy drank 4 Mint Juleps.
blondeinblack is a jovial Agnostic. blondeinblack drank 14 Aftershocks, 1 Ale, 1 Red Wine, 3 Bloody Marys.

Clean up at WraithTDK's place! Urgh bejesus man, there's soup pieces in this barfpile! Fucking ell theres 4 of them!

foxlord and automig spent most of the night wrestling with each other over the Twister mat. Early reports seem to indicate that they were not...I repeat NOT fucking

'It must be love, love love!' and how so in the case of gstar4robotboy and blondeinblack. It's like Romeo and Juliet all over again without any of the suspense!
The Drunkest

In my day a man could handle his drink. A friend of mine could drink a gallon of bourboun in one sitting and could
still drive home, beat his wife and have enough energy to sleep with her afterward!
Random Events

january_dove revealed to the room that in a previous incarnation they were a fat gay unicyclist
who took great pride in their marvellous ability to impersonate freddie mercury.

stereophonicrpm and godessdiana were on the edge of a punch-up after godessdiana called stereophonicrpm a balding greasy bastard with hungry head lice!

stereophonicrpm made violent love with godessdiana on top of the television.

Happy New Year!

Do you believe in all of that New Years Resolution shit? If not, celebrate the New Year as you mean to go on with the ultimate new years party from hell!

Enter your name below to experience the ultimate in complete useless bollocks!


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