Jun 15, 2004 12:52

Dear Women in the gym,

Look, it's great that you've decided to remold your body. Really, I applaud this. But it's clear that some of you haven't put any thought into the process. Despite the stereotype of the "muscle-head" there's a LOT of thought that goes into the workouts of the best body-builders. I don't expect you to know, or to even try to learn everything, but there's a few things you should know. And one of them is this: with the exception of certain body-weight exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, etc.) if you're doing more than 15 reps, you're wasting your time. Add more weight. If you're looking for solid strength, try a weight you can only lift 4-6 times. If you're trying to gain mass (unusual for women, but whatever) try 8-12. Do NOT go above 15.

This ESPECIALLY goes when you're on a machine! If you're, say, on the only lower-back extensions machine at Ballys, and there's a big guy in the middle of his back workout waiting to work in between your sets, YOU SHOULD NOT BE DOING FORTY FRIGGIN REPS! ADD SOME DAMNED WEIGHT! Wassa matter? Is it gonna be hard? Do you realize where you are? What you're doing? IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE HARD! THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT WORK! It's one thing to do a crappy workout or diet plan, but when you're hogging a machine for minutes at a time, you're not just wasting your own time, you're wasting the time of everyone around you.

Sit down. Shut up. Move the weight. Get outta the way.


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