I'm just sayin...

Mar 06, 2004 15:35

Let’s say that one day, some how, you were splashed with acid. Suddenly, you have a big ol ugly scar on you. It’s all burned and freaky-looking.

this scar make you a bad person? Not at all. Should people get to pass judgment on you as a person because of it? God no. Should you hate yourself because of the scar? Not in the slightest.

BUT! Does this mean you should buy a shirt with a hole cut in it exactly WHERE that scar is? Should you wear something made specifically to accentuate the area where that scar is? No.

And why? Because whether the scar was your fault or not, you know people don’t want to see it, and there’s just a certain level of decency that says you don’t run around going “HEY, EVERYONE, LOOK AT THIS BIG DEFORMITY ON ME!”

You don’t have to bend over backwards to hide it, but if I don’t think wearing a normal t-shirt is so much to ask.

My point? Mid-drifts and low-rider pants aren’t meant for everyone. They’re designed to accentuate your belly. To draw people’s attention to it. They were SPECIFICALLY MADE for the express purpose of drawing people’s attention to that area of your body. If that area of your body is oozing over those pants that are leaving marks in your skin? Yea, maybe this outfit isn’t for you.

You’re comfortable with who you are and your body? Terrific. I’m happy for you. I’m not asking you to feel otherwise. I wish you’d take the warning of increased risk of cancer, osteoporosis, joint pain, broken bones, heart problems, kidney failure, disease, and pain in your hips that make you demand those little motorized carts in the super-market, but hey, it’s your call. Seriously, though. I don’t wanna see it.

Heck, a lot of you would actually look pretty GOOD if you just wore a normal t-shirt. Remember those? The things that DON’T look like they’re vacuum-sealed to your body just so you can show off your boobs? You’ve got one problem area. Why choose that particular place it draw attention to?

Shouldn't atheists not be allowed to get insurance for acts of God?

fat, obesity

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