[Fic-a-Thon] "Four of a Kind" [G]

Feb 01, 2019 01:58

Title: Four of a Kind
Author: Ami Ven
Word Count: 1,723
Rating: G
Prompt: Fab Four - “Rare as true love, true friendship is rarer” (Jean de la Fontaine)
Characters: Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson, Hobbie Klivian
Pairings: none (brief mention of Corran/Mirax)
Warnings: none
Setting: some time after Starfighters of Adumar, but that’s not important
Summary: “The four of us, we can handle anything.”

LINKS: on LJ & on AO3

rogues and wraiths ficathon, char: fab four, fanfiction

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