Fic Collaborator Needed

Sep 14, 2015 19:54

Hey guys,

It's definitely been awhile since I've written(or tried to write) anything related to SW. I've had a couple of plots bouncing around my head for some time now, one of them quite longer than the other.
Anyways, I would really like to get a fellow collaborator to work with me or even take over, on these fics.

So the first one I've had around for a few years now but never really had the motivation to further develop the plot:

It's a Wes Janson centric story that deals with him returning to his home planet of Tanaab. I had originally placed this shortly after "Starfighters of Adumar" but it could be moved to after they take over Coruscant. The gist of the plot is that the Rogues and/or Princess Leia are sent to Tanaab after hearing rumors of an Imperial Symphathizer group. Meanwhile, Wes deals with returning home he hasn't been to in years. Introduces the Porkins family(OC's).

Second story is a little newer and not quite as developed:

Takes place around "Wraith Squadron" and Wes centric. Kell Tainer's brother emerges after being absent for several years. Despite his happiness over seeing his older brother again, Kell knows there is something up with Kes. His suspicions are proven correct after Wes Janson goes missing.

Anyone interested?

char: kell tainer, char: wes janson

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