Title: Untitled (I’m no good with titles)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Wonderful Star Wars characters are not MINE, unfortunately…
Notes: This fic is for
ladielazarus who listed: Wes, Wedge, Mirax, Corran, Hobbie, Tycho, Luke, Face, Gavin, Jaina, and Zekk; her prompts were: "Hydrospanner," "Turbolift," "Genuinely False”.
I don’t really “know” Jaina and Zekk enough to write them, and I have a feeling that my personal dislike for Corran would colour him in the wrong way, so I left them out. Mirax, Gavin and Face make brief appearances. Here’s hoping I did okay! (And I’m not quite sure WHEN this is taking place…I kinda like the “could be ANYTIME” of it all! I really enjoy writing little everyday snapshots of Star Wars life.) Also, I tried really hard, but couldn’t figure out how to fit “genuinely false” into the fic. I tried, but it all got a bit messy and yucky, and I had to abort. :P
Wes Janson turned easily to face his commanding officer. “What’s up Wedge?”