Title: Living Memory
Characters: Wraith Squadron
Prompts: "We are so dead," Perfume, and AT-AT
Word Count: 1,052
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars. Lucas is King. If he doesn't like me pilfering his characters, he can have his merchandise back.
Warning: Un-Beta'd. Completely.
Summary: It's the Wraith's last night together.
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Comments 7
A beautiful, straightforward look at saying goodbye.
Kudos, applause, brownie points... actual brownies, if you like. XD
And yeah, my other idea was really cheesy, so I'm glad I came up with this one instead.
Love the Best Of the Wraiths conversation! :) Thumbs up!
Also, this made me LOL: If he doesn't like me pilfering his characters, he can have his merchandise back. Ha! Take THAT, Lucas! ;)
It was tough to come up with stuff, since it's been more than 5 yrs since I've read the books. So glad I was able to pull it off.
Hahaha, yeah XD I say it because it's true. A good chunk of money was put towards merch, so it's all his lawyers would be able to get out of me.
That being said, it's a good thing he's usually kind towards fanfic writers.
This made me smile like a loon. Just know that.
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