Title: Now Three of Us (1/1)
Characters: Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Iella Wessiri-Antilles; Wedge/Iella
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine. Non-profit organization.
Warning: The schmoopiest ever! It's like a Nicholas Sparks novel in here.
Summary: "Is that a baby?" Tycho asked.
Author Note: Written for
katanasundancer. Prompts were "Is that a baby? Been busy, have we?", lipstick on my scissors, and a few vweilu short of a ryshcate. Title from the song "Now Three" by Vienna Teng, a beautiful song about this very subject.
Link to my fic journal:
Now Three of Us +
I LOVE THIS FICATHON! Can't wait to read everyone's entries. :D