Pilot-a-Thon! Fic

Sep 25, 2010 14:11

A little ficlet for Wedge month (reposted from a few years ago to my fic journal), in which Wedge is kind of a giant dork (he can't be mind-blowingly awesome all the time). And also gets some.

Title: I Had Trousers When I Got Here (1/1)
Characters: Wedge Antilles/Iella Wessiri
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: Not mine. Non-profit organization.
Summary: A moment during those missing - and highly intriguing - hours Wedge spent in Iella's apartment that infamous night in Starfighters of Adumar. Short and super fluffy. But don't you think Wedge deserves some fluff now and again?

Link: I had trousers when I got here, I know I did.


pilot-a-thon!, pairing: wedge/iella, char: wedge antilles, fanfiction

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