Ficathon: Rendezvous

Apr 27, 2010 10:14

Title: Rendezvous
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Fab Four, Koyi, Plourr, Dllr, and Elscol.
Pairing: Wedge/Elscol
Prompts: Hotshot, dressing-down and Whyren's Reserve
Word Count: 1, 300
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars. Lucas is King. If he doesn't like me pilfering his characters, he can have his merchandise back.

Summary: ( Read more... )

char: dllr nep, char: elscol loro, char: plourr ilo, char: wedge antilles, fanfiction, char: tycho celchu, char: wes janson, char: koyi komad, char: fab four, pairing: wedge/elscol

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Comments 10

izzybeth April 27 2010, 15:14:55 UTC
i will read this! i swear! i'm just not allowed yet, as i'm actually not finished with my contribution. fail. but THANK YOU for filling my prompt! <3


age April 27 2010, 15:18:45 UTC
You're very welcome :) I hope I didn't mess it up :)


izzybeth May 3 2010, 05:51:20 UTC
oh. my. god. this is PERFECT. i LOVE Koyi being awesome, and i love the banter-over-sabacc, and i love Dllr being all observant (i have such a soft spot for him), and i love Wedge trying so hard not to play favorites, and i ADORE the clandestine affair. A LOT.

seriously, what otahyoni said: you should totally continue this. REALLY.


otahyoni April 27 2010, 16:40:13 UTC
Hee. Poor Wedge, having to yell at his secret (kamikaze) girlfriend so no one will know they're dating. I love how clueless everyone is! (And how much do I want to play sabaac with these people? Very, very much.)

This is one you could totally continue. I mean, everyone's got to find out eventually, right? ;)


age May 3 2010, 01:59:46 UTC
It's always poor Wedge. (You just wanted to use the word kamikaze ;) ) And you know that if anyone could pull off a sooper sekrit luv affair, it would be Wedge.

(SO DO I. Very, very much.)

I, uh....*hides* ;) XD


otahyoni May 3 2010, 19:22:12 UTC
Never pass up an opportunity to use the word "kamikaze." :)


ladielazarus May 8 2010, 14:44:32 UTC
Amen. :)


ladielazarus April 28 2010, 03:00:25 UTC
I was a little baffled by the pairing, but you just made it seem so seamless. :)

I really enjoyed your dialogue and characterizations, as well.

Well done, you. :)


age May 3 2010, 01:57:45 UTC
Thanks :) I guess this is where I shut my mouth and not tell you that I had no idea what I was doing. ...Damn it!

*facepalms* :D


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