Apr 02, 2009 00:03
- 12:55 @ annosuperstar i'm staying home from school today and not setting foot outside the flat until it's april second. #
- 14:13 @ sulphate i like your new signature quotes. of course, i liked the old one better. #
- 20:41 YAY GAY MARRIAGE! today i'm proud to be a swede. #
- 20:42 and that it gets voted in while kristdemokraterna are in the government? EVEN BETTER! #
- 20:58 @ kaitlin008 yeah, that would be unbelievably kickass! #
- 21:33 @ ringlunatic crouch is the weirdest looking footballer ever. #
- 21:43 @ ringlunatic the best thing ever is when he and rooney are on the pitch at the same time. xD #
- 21:46 @ kaitlin008 yeah, i'm crossing my fingers for you guys! it's sad that not everyone has the same basic rights. #
- 22:10 @ jillerina "Through analysis of Google's index, I have determined that I <3 pandas." #
- 22:11 @ kaitlin008 and so it should! bother you, i mean. #
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