Feb 25, 2011 00:34
I find the spirit of the people here very different from the spirit of the place where I grew up. When locals ask me how the North Shore differs from my end of Maryland, I start laughing. Living so close to the land, to the water, to the source of nourishment- this makes a huge difference in the makeup of the people here.
Without all the over watering, I find my body and mind are already inclined to grow towards the sun too. My body chemistry has started to change, and so has my attitude and spirit.
I started with thanking the universe daily for bringing me here, for the fresh food and the good work- the entire experience. And then I started wanting to thank the individual parts of that universe that have helped me this far- my coworkers, family, friends here and on the east coast.
My mode of spirituality has shifted and strengthened - my meditation practice has shifted from sporadic to an effortlessly regular routine. I feel strength and health inside of me that I have literally not felt in years. I have countless reasons to be grateful, and in some moments, I don't feel like I can say it enough.
hawaii experiment