Followup on the Big Lie

Feb 16, 2011 09:52

When we confronted her with her deceit last night, she was calmer than I expected with only a bit of tears, but when she was told she couldn't go to her grandmother's this weekend, it got quite stormy. Mostly tears though, little anger this time, thank goodness. Tears are hard, but door slamming and shouting and "I hate yous" get old really fast.

During one of her frequent trips to her room to calm down last night, she went up to the office and changed my desktop to the thesaurus entry for "sad". She also flipped my actual dictionary to the "sad" page. What drama!

This morning, we got another tearful morning with lots of begging to go. Really tough. It was so hard to watch her need comforting but being so angry with me. She kept saying, "I still love you but we're not friends now!" I felt so bad for her. It brought back so many memories of when I was little. But we stuck to our guns.

She remained adamant that she didn't do it right up to this morning. Man, can that girl lie.
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