And now for more exhaustion

Nov 08, 2010 20:53

It's been almost 10 days since I've been out of the hospital and ridiculously, I'm still tired. A visit to my family doc revealed that he's not expecting me to be back to 100% for a month!

I am definitely improving, but it's slow and slow. I can now walk the dog by myself and can then shower and not require a lie down. But today, I still crashed at about 4 pm and slept until 5:30. It's playing havoc with my sleep habits. I will now have a problem getting to sleep at midnight. Ugh. But I guess this is the new normal.

Tomorrow is going to be a hellish day. GMinor has been asked to perform a vioin solo at the local senior's residence at lunch time. This means I will be driving GMinor to school in the morning, then GMajor to work for 10 am, then picking GMInor up at 12:30 for her concert, then taking her back to school and picking her up again at 3 pm and then picking GMajor up at 5 pm. And then I think I go to bed. What silliness! I wonder how I'm going to fit working into this day?
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