Oh the insanity!

Jun 18, 2010 12:28

Because I have lost all grasp on reality, I am once again considering getting a dog. Not just a dog, a *puppy*.

GMinor has been talking about baby brothers and sisters, which is really and truly not happening, but she's also been talking about being lonely. A lot. And this even when I've been spending a ton of time with her. She loves the cats, but cats don't do what you tell them - cats aren't playmates. Cats can't come outside or go to the park or in the car. (I was fine with cats when I was little, but I was a quieter child. GMinor is more dynamic.)

So, we are thinking about it. I know full well that I will be doing most, if not all of the work. I have no illusions in that regard and that more than anything is giving me pause. Especially the housebreaking. Ugh. Dog poop.

However, diapers were no picnic either and that's just a moment in time. It will pass.

We're doing our due diligence in terms of research. Although we adore border collies, we know better. They are way too smart and too active for us. Great Danes are lovely, but too large. Smaller dogs are too yappy and perhaps not...robust enough for GMinor. I can't see her dealing with a sheltie well. I love them, but I think they are too prissy for GMinor. She wants a beagle, but no. I think no.

So far, the front runner is the Bernese Mountain Dog. To me, there is no other dog that has a more perfect doggie face than this breed. They are awesome with kids, very strong, and fairly large. The females are in the 70-80 lb range. My one big concern is that they are short-lived. Only 8 years on average.

Second choice is, of course, the golden retriever. You really can't go too wrong with a golden. (but the Bernies are cuter!)

So friends, tell me your dog stories! Do all kids need a dog? Am I a complete nut-case?
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