A rundown of news this week on the Stargate Atlantis actors. Think I've remembered everything. Under cut for size:
For those who didn’t attend the Stargate convention in Chicago held last weekend (August 27-29) I’ve put up a bunch of links to fan blogs, vids and photos at
http://wraithfodder.livejournal.com/446708.html and linked posts (I might be posting third collection of blogs, etc. this weekend). I couldn’t attend so am very happy that many who went are sharing the wealth. The repartee between Joe Flanigan and David Hewlett was apparently priceless, especially the germ-ridden handkerchief Joe waved in David’s face. And of course, Michael Shanks is in there too ;)
JOE FLANIGAN doesn’t tweet too often, but it’s fun when he does. You can follow him at
http://twitter.com/JoeFlanigan. He’s currently up in Toronto filming “Best Laid Plans” (details at
http://wraithfodder.livejournal.com/444878.html), putting up photos of his kids, and of course, his dogs. He’s also put at least one promo photo from his Syfy movie “The Other Side” on his twitter, which I posted at
http://wraithfodder.livejournal.com/447308.html. And every other Joe Flanigan must have posted them as well ;)
Unfortunately had to bow out of DragonCon three days before the event, leaving many unhappy fans. This was discussed briefly during his one hour (which turned into 90 minutes) chat at Wired.com’s GeekDad podcast, which you can download at
http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2010/09/the-geekdads-episode-75-old-grumpy-and-eccentric/. The chat was mostly about geeky tech stuff, but he did give fans a few minutes at the end for an impromptu Q&A. Nevertheless, if you’re a David fan, download the podcast. It’s fun to listen to! I suspect @RodneyisGodney is still on cloud 9 for having David say ‘hi’ to her.
Kate alas, got un-invited to DragonCon, probably because David had to bow out. “No longer invited to Atlanta. Disappointing, but not surprising” she said on Twitter, but “Going to be a student again! With more wrinkles and slightly better hair.’ Also, upon finishing up The Swearing Jar in NYC, she returned home and she tweeted today “I go out of town for four weeks and my cat turns into Jabba the Hutt.”
Is busy working on Game of Thrones, but ScifiTV.com.au posted a nice interview with Jason at
http://www.scifitv.com.au/Blog/2010/08/is-dex-the-sex-jason-momoa-talks-stargate-atlantis/ There are also photos out there from the Conan the Barbarian movie. You can find them here
http://blastr.com/2010/08/conan-pics.php *************************
PAUL McGILLION is down at DragonCon this weekend, and here are some tweets about it:
SGMTrack McGillion blames @
dHewlett for all the kissing in "Duet.". Just for the record.
whovian99 What was it like working with @
dhewlett? Paul said tortutre.. He kissed Paul & made him dress like a woman. :D
WormholeRiders Another beauty! RT @
sorchamorrigan: McGillion talking about fighting gargoyles.
http://twitpic.com/2kvt01 whovian99 Paul is talking about being on
#SuperNatural w/Paris Hilton
sorchamorrigan: More Gero & McGillian @
#dragoncon http://twitpic.com/2kvpfg whovian99: Paul says @
dhewlett is just like his character but more annoying..
apndrgn: Martin and Paul both caution anyone thinking about silicone implants, they do harden after a few years. (Atlantis chair)
kimberlyFDR OMG! We just met JR Ewing! Got McGillion to sign my ADB poster, fangirled over Corin Nemec &got an autograph and picture with Mark Sheppard.
whovian99: Paul & Martin are joking about not speaking since Martin wrote the epi where Carson died. #DragonCon
whovian99: Martin said it didn't take a lot of convincing for *the kiss* in Duet. #DragonCon
whovian99: Paul says his character on #Sanctuary is a cheeky bastard
anglophile80: Paul McGillion says Kate Hewlett is a much better kisser than
lookupwards: Gero and McGillion were too funny. I can only imagine how it would have been if Hewlett had been here! #dragoncon
liketheriver1: Apparently Paul McGillion is staying on our floor at hotel. Managed to yell "We love you, Carson!" before his elevator door closed.
Artist4life925: Omg just rode in the elevator with paul mcgillion!!! ·
wabbit89: Got not one, but two hugs from the one and only PAUL MCGILLION today. I told him I was feeling puny and he decided to try to fix that
Well, darn, no news on him, but keep an eye on SyFy’s “Eureka” as he’s been playing Deputy Andy.
Is doing a con in Vancouver, October 1-3, at the Vancouver Airport Marriott -
http://www.vcon.ca/ -
http://shaddyr.livejournal.com/274460.html has coverage of it, and posted … **Excellent Actor guest, David Nykl** The fantastic actor who brought us Radek Zelenka for 5 seasons on Stargate: Atlantis is going to be in attendance, along with a number of other people from the production, to discuss the movie
The Beast of Bottomless Lake. Shot in BC, the movie follows Dr. Morgan (Nykl) as he investigates the existence of Ogopogo. **I should state that I have no idea how long Mr. Nykl plans to be at the con, just that he has agreed to come for the movie discussion panel. **
Sigh, anybody else hear anything on her??
RACHEL LUTTRELL has been traveling between the coasts, Toronto and Vancouver, visiting family and, judging from her twitter (
http://twitter.com/rachel_luttrell) having a wonderful time. *** and *** this article -
http://www.stargatearchive.com/journal/index.php/2010/08/rachel-luttrell-reminices-on-stargate-atlantis/ - is from August, but a nice overview of Rachel’s feelings on SGA.