More tweets from Joe Flanigan and rest of cast of the SyFy movie THE OTHER SIDE. Under cut for size, etc.
Let's plan on Q-A for Monday (Irish time). Look forward to it · (Aug 13)
[You can use to convert time. When it’s 12 a.m. Monday in Dublin, it’s the same time in London, 7:00 PM in NYC and 4:00 PM in Los Angeles. Also, do not forget to put the hashtag #AskJoe in your question to Joe).
BTW, the ladies
@FlanInfo have been super helpful with all of this. I recommend you follow them
Q&A was fun. Should we do another one? (Aug 13)
Hewlett must have Carpal Tunnel syndrome by now. (Aug 13)
One more week of shooting 'The Other Side', more affectionately pronounced by my Irish crew as 'Te Utter Side' (Aug 13)
Seriously, it's been a great experience. Wonderful cast crew and producers. Really hoping to come back for future projects (non-pub related (Aug 13)
Me and Ken @
tkl7 from costumes on 'The Other Side'. He's starting to look good after 2 weeks in the woods. (Aug 13)
Coming back to Ireland has been deeply profound for me, and it's not just the's also the whiskey (Aug 13)
Hewlett is suspiciously quiet. Perhaps he's too busy voting for himself. Let me give him a call (Aug 12)
Getting ready to hit the town with
@JoeFlanigan and
@Topomanyare .. Have a great weekend everybody! (Aug 13)
@SeixoLady Ye it really is.The entire cast and crew are Irish. Joe is the only American on board! Lots of US movies being made here. its gr8 (Aug 13)
SeixoLady yeah I have an american accent in the film :)
Joe filming (alas, picture taken down, darn)
we are out of the woods now and into studio on Monday..out with cast tonight..should be fun and messy lol (Aug 13)
@lisawest99 no kissy kissy today...was a bit heartbroken but can't win them all
@FlanInfo Ye I was told to by the man upstairs..sorry guys
@Topomanyare Is there a particular reason you've taken down all the pictures from the set you posted earlier?
@dhewlett ... poor man, dragged into the best actor on twitter voting ;)
@FlanInfo oh I'm getting all the
@joeflanigan I need, thank you very much! ;-)
@WraithLover Yes, it took me a lot of time to create all those fake twitter know, to make
@JoeFlanigan feel loved that is;-)
Chris Newman as Pvt. Reid
Two new fuzzy shots of Joe Flanigan on location
And that's it for today.