Bitch whine moan.

Mar 12, 2007 23:05

I wanna write something. So. Thats what I'm gonna do. You cannot stop me from doing this! >=D

So, life. Well, its been fairly good. Firstly, the job scene. I've been applying places and finally got an interveiw at a place I'd like to work, the Safeway down the street. Its basically my old job at a walkable distance. Hope they hire me. Do it! Chapters wouldn't be bad either.

Secondly, other, lesser people. Damn I love them. They make me laugh and smile, either by their lovely weirdness or their rodent like inefficency. Even thinking about them makes me laugh, thats something new. Its good.

Family has been going well. Naturally my sister is a volcano of chaos, but she's having another little girl so thats okay. I miss my neice alot, but otherwise its fine being on the other side of the world from them. I talk to them plenty.

I'm being difficult though. No surprises there. On one hand, lately, I've been getting back to my geekish roots. My Hello Kitty clock and plushie are testament to that, same with my dvd collection and videogames. I could really work on my music collection though, thats been failing. I have no good writing-things-to-music either, so writing this out is not something to do with good music. Bah! Fool! This will never work! I'll listen to disney.

In a kind of grey area, I'm kind of disappointed in myself. I had this one brilliant chance to change myself and become a completely different person, but no. I'm the same person no matter where I am. Fan-freakin'-tastic. I could have been cool, man D=. I mean, I guess its good 'cause everyone is all "Be yourself and you'll be fine!" but what happens when 'yourself' is a caffiene addicted geek horrible at social interaction and is supported by a system of fluid filled bladders instead of a spine, with the mental abilities of a half digested wallnut shell? There are going to be problems!

I know this because there are problems! We're in to the dark area now, turn back ye of little faith. Or patience. I am a whiney bitch. I just wish that, for five minutes I could have a back bone. Just a bit. One vertabre at the very least. Then I could stop being so down when it gets dark. I dont know why but I always seem to look down two roads at night. Both end in complete and miserable failure. But if I could say something, I could know and then... well, then there'd be even more miserable failure but for a small while it might be interesting. Who knows, it might even turn into success. But it'll never happen. I'm just too pathetic. Best get use to being lonely, eh?

Yes I know I'm vague, but I choose to be! If I wasn't vague and tried to make a joke of everything, I'd be a mess. 
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