Another Playlist

Sep 06, 2008 21:26

See, I bet you thought I'd forgotten about this little project.

So, here is Playlist II: Xemnas.


1. The Beginning is the End is the Beginning - Smashing Pumpkins
2. End of All Hope - Nightwish
3. Kingdom for a Heart - Sonata Artica
4. Nemo - Nightwish
5. My Last Breath - Evanescence
6. Julian (I'd Give My Heart) - Within Temptation
7. Darkness of the Unknown - Yoko Shinomura
8. Dark Chest of Wonders - Nightwish
9. Aerials (Orchestral Remix) - System of a Down
10. Revolutions of Ruin - Mark Z. Danielweiski & Kenneth Burgomaster

Comments: Damn, Xemnas loves him some powerchords. Last Breath is actually meant to represent Orpheus more than Xemnas, and there are elements of Revolutions of Ruin which fit as well. The lyrics of Kingdom for a Heart don't fit as well as I thought, but hey! Powerchords.

Note that Beginning is the End is the Beginning and Revolutions of Ruin are on there twice. This is becuase I bought them off iTunes, and so they may ask you for confirmation. If that's so, use the .mp3 versions which should work fine.


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