(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 11:28

1) Speaking of your soul, your beloved and I have talked turkey about religion before, but I don't think I've ever discussed it in specifics with you beyond our conversation before the vow renewal. Where do you stand on the matters of divine, eternal, and whatnot?

I was raised Christian, specifically Disciples of Christ denomination. These days, I attend a United Church of Christ Church in Marietta. I did some church shopping down here after Morgan was born because it's important to me that she be raised in church.

  and I agree on that one. We chose this church because they are Open and Affirming and have absolutely no problem with mixed faith relationships. It's definitely not a place where I have to worry about Morgan coming home and saying to her father, "Daddy, Teacher says you're going to hell." That was important to me.

Quick summary of general beliefs: I believe in the concepts of Heaven and Hell. I don't believe everyone who doesn't believe exactly what I do is going to hell. Hell would be a really crowded place if that were the case. Reincarnation does not fit into my personal belief system, in that, I really can't envision myself coming around again. That said, there is some logic to it in the natural cyclical nature of the world so I don't completely discredit it. I try to live by the golden rules of do unto others as you'd like them to do unto you and judge not lest ye be judged. I don't always succeed at either of those. I pray regularly and have definitely found comfort and solace in that practice. As a private person, it's good to have a confessional that always listens and never repeats.

That's a start. If questions spawn from this, that's cool too.

2) Why do you RP? (Some do it for self exploration, some do it for the power play or politics, some do it genuinely for fun, "D: None of the Above, Explain" is a valid answer.

Initially I did it as a way to try and connect with my hubby. It was a passion of his and I tested it out. When we moved to Atlanta, I did it as a means to meet people since I had no friends outside of

 's gaming friends and at least one night a month, everyone I knew in town was off gaming. After a while, I really started to enjoy it. It allowed me to meet people all over the country, have fun doing costuming and theatrical stuff and was a great excuse to travel.

These days, I'm trying out my second tabletop campaign. I still struggle with that medium for roleplay, but I'm trying to get the hang of it. Live action games haven't been doing it for me for a while. I still miss that...just haven't found something new and shiny for me.

3) What is the most rewarding thing about being Morgan's mommie?

Wow...this is a really tough one cause pretty much everything comes to mind. Watching her grow and learn new things, developing into her own little person is just so cool. Seeing her make new connections for herself is so much fun. And of course, munchkin hugs and kisses really are the best.

4) What kind of fiction do you read?

Lots of stuff. Favorite authors are John Irving, I've read pretty much everything he's ever written. James Patterson and Patricia Cornwall for crime stuff are ongoing favorites. I've really been enjoying the Bourne series which is my first introduction to Ludlum. For fantasy stuff, Laurel K. Hamilton, I like her fairy series better than the Anita Blake series; Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series; and the George R.R. Martin series are ones I enjoy. I also like "chick lit" as a lighthearted break from time to time.

5) You're one of the more together people I know; what goals have you had previously that you've met? Was the journey or the destination more worthwhile?

First, thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it. Getting a house several years ago was a major goal and undertaking. I was really pleased that we made that happen. Having a child was another goal that took more steps than initially expected. On a more "me only" oriented note, getting my CPA license reinstated after letting my continuing education credits lapse was a big one last year. And finding ways to volunteer time, as with the Girl Scouts is a continuing journey. Currently, I'm trying to explore ways to find and develop my creative side. As an accountant, finding ways to be and feel creative are typically a challenge for me.

Destination vs journey...for most of those, I think the destination was more worthwhile, possibly because the getting there wasn't always the most pleasant or fun. On the scout leader and creativity items, the journey is definitely more rewarding. Probably because there isn't an ultimate destination involved. There's really no end to those particular things. There's a potential break coming with scouting, but that will come with the opportunity to continue it in a couple of years when Morgan is old enough for Girl Scouts.
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