So far, this week is off to a better start than last week, which is really good news. Update on the fender bender. The car has been fixed and looks good as new. After four days at home last week and some pain pills and muscle relaxers, I'm doing better. Still some stiffness, still some pain so I've got a question in to my doctor to see what else I should be doing. Hopefully nothing too major.
Had a wonderful, activity packed weekend. Started Saturday off with a trip to the Marietta Arts and Crafts fair with the family. Lots of wandering around, Morgan got to play in bouncy houses and she found a crayon "egg roll" that she really likes. Cute little craft thing really. After that it was t-ball time and then planting time in our yard at home. We were very productive now we're just hoping our little plants grow in their new homes! Had Mexican food that evening with some folks which was a nice unexpected treat too.
Sunday we were at the Ren Faire and then I had Girl Scouts so lots of walking around this weekend, which is good cause my exercising has kind of stalled out. Need to get back on track with that.
This week...SERE prep and getting the house ready for
black_king's parents who arrive on Thursday. Lots of cleaning really needs to happen so we'll see how industrious he and I can be over the next couple of days.
Still lots of randomness floating around in my head. I keep hoping to get something written down...but no promises on when. :)