(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 10:48

I hate that achey, pervasive feeling you get when you're sick. It's like it settles into your bones or something. I keep coughing and i feel like my esophagus is turning itself inside out. Nice mental picture, huh? So much to do... so little time.

So I think Ben has a girlfriend. I'm pretty sure she's absolutely gorgeous and possibly a model as well, judging from her MySpace profile. C'est la vie. It was too good to be true anyways. Things like that just don't happen to me or for me.

I tried to register today. I managed to get into Chem 102. That's it. The downfall of going to a large university. I tried to get into KINE 318 but it told me i wasn't eligible. Me thinks I'm still at sophomore standing because I haven't sent my summer school transcripts in yet. Dammit. Way to be irresponsible.

I only have 4 more days of "real" school. Then it's finals time.

Only 15 more days until Breckenridge/freedom.

I think that I will call Mango's foal "Malibu" instead of coconut, in representation of Malibu Coconut Rum.

I think when/if I ever get my fancy yumping/dressage horse, I will name it "Catharsis". I really like what that word implies. That's one thing in my life i can always hold hope for... horses... if nothing else at all.

And I leave you with this...

She loves me more that anything
And she wants the world for me
Her west dropped of in El Paso,
And her north in Abilene
Mama I'm OK out here
I've seen how hard the world can be
My step is sure and I know my name
I'm strong just like you prayed I'd be
I'm strong just like you prayed I'd be

If I'd have done what you and daddy done, would have never lost and never won
Or gotten myself kicked when I was down
I would not know how to travel well, A hundred bucks and cheap motels
I would not know how to fight for my own heart next time around
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