Monday, you can kindly fuck off.

Sep 27, 2021 14:57

Today is such a Monday.  Already in battle royale round 2 with our accounting department within a few minutes of being at the office.  I really pissed them off royally on Friday (it was my fault, i take responsibility) but there are so many fucking rules and regulations to getting anything ordered or done here and we have one credit card for a department of 45 people that you must go through an extensive process to check out, so you can imagine that trying to plan and execute events as an events professional can be extremely challenging to say the least.

Anyways, I won't get into semantics because it's boring but they hate me and it's fine. I don't have enough stress in my life already without fighting them about every little order and payment for my upcoming events. 2 weeks out BTW. I'll be so glad to hit the 3rd week of October and then just have ONE event to focus on i.e. the wedding (we are officially within the 2 month mark, holy shit can't believe it).

I ended my week last week on a high note, our leadership team meeting, the team i have been working over 3 years to structure and form knocked it out of the park. We have a group of motivated, awesome individuals who are ready to get shit done... just as I'm leaving, LOL at my life. My timing on everything is always fucked. Anyways, after the meeting, my bosses boss wanted to take everyone to happy hour (I literally NEVER get invited to work happy hours unless it's a department wide thing), so that was nice to kick back and celebrate everything that I've been working hard towards, especially after a really stressful month.

Brett was in town since Thursday evening. We had a rough start to the weekend, i think there were some lingering issues between us that needed to be worked out through some not very fun conversations, but such is marriage and we did work those things out.  We realize how much STRESS both of us have been under, just so much added pressure with new jobs, living apart, wedding planning during COVID, etc etc and it's been fucking hard.  The rest of the weekend past Friday evening was great though.  We got to eat some good food, drink some beers (i haven't been doing much beer drinking at all in the recent months), go to San Antonio to visit Brett's family and reunite Frank and Lulu for a day and the weather was phenomenal.

Brett was supposed to fly out at noon on Sunday but said fuck it and spent some money to book a very early Monday morning flight instead so he could spend the rest of the day in Austin. We grabbed some PSLs, made breakfast at my house, then went to one of our favorite breweries to catch some nice weather on the patio and hang out with my good friend Becky. It was great just having a "normal" weekend with my husband around and being around the people I like the most.  I definitely didn't get enough sleep and drank and ate way too much (pretty sure i just reversed all of my progress on the 5lbs i've slowly lost over the last 6 weeks, but cool, cool).  I was passed out at Brett's parents house by like 9:30 PM on Saturday. Hangovers just hit a lot harder over age 35... ya girl can't hang anymore.

Oh yeah and we got to take a "polo lesson" at our wedding venue i.e. just a glorified riding lesson, but it was nice to get back on a horse for the first time in over a year. Brett did well! My legs are just so weak now and it's so frustrating when my brain knows exactly what I want to be doing and my body doesn't respond accordingly, but one day I'll get back into that life.  I am still sore today, 2 days later. So sad.

Anyways, time to get back on track and back to the slog knowing that November is bringing lots of good things. Just need to get to the holidays already. Can't come soon enough!!

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