Mar 19, 2005 17:26
It has been a little bit since I posted, eh? Well, the job has got me focused elsewhere, and my free waking hours are generally spent chillin'. The job is going well. I am getting better at selling, and am finding my groove there. I kinda miss school, but only the pace and learning. The whole full-time job thing gives me a lot less time for myself, but it fills my days and gives me a new skill set.
I did buy an x-box to celebrate my first full paycheck from Circuit City. I have been fighting buying the system for so long, but with Microsoft training acomidations, it made no sense to keep fighting. I got Halo, Halo 2, and Fable and all I had to pay was shipping. I am playing Knights of the Old Republic right now. That game is so sweet, and it has gotten me excited about Star Wars again. Besides, the trailer for episode 3 actually looks pretty decent. It seems like there is still too much going on. We are adding a new secondary emeny into the plot. I figured if we just tied up story lines we would have a full movie.
Speaking of accomidations, I just signed up for Vonage, which is a voice over IP service. $25 a month for unlimited local and long distance calling, plus all the features you coupld possibly want for free. I know most of my faithful readers just use their cells for long distance, but it really is a pretty sweet deal, though it requires broadband. If you want my number, lemme know.
I miss gaming. I totally want to start playing D&D again. Maybe when Patrick gets out here, we can start a game.
In lame news: Fuck a buch of cancer. My grandma, my last remaining grand parent, is going to die soon from lung cancer. The bright side is she won't be away from grandad for long. I've come to the realization that grief is a very selfish thing. I suppose I've always known it, but the realization that the pain comes from you missing the person really drove it home for me, of course it doesn't make it hurt any less.
Alright, that is all I got right now. I'll check y'all later. I miss y'all.