Star Frontiers for free!

Mar 29, 2007 12:06

Star Frontiers - Digitally Remastered

I was pointed to this site by a friend who was concerned that some of my artwork had been used. It hasn't but the perpetrator would be most welcome to it if it had. The Star Frontiers roleplaying game and it's various supplements have been free online for some time at StarFrontiers.Com However they are scans of the original manuals. What the guy in the above link has done is redo the books as PDFs with proper text and add in a shed load of new artwork from all over the net (D20 Future and Knights of the Old Republic to name just two).

Now this raises an interesting question for me. Does it really matter? Star Frontiers is already available free so nobody is losing money and besides, if it were to be republished it would surely be totally rewritten as a D20 system so it would not be the same game that everyone knows and loves, anyway. Okay, I don't think the artwork is credited or used with permission. That is bad form but again no one is profiting from it's use so, beyond being a bit cheeky, is it really doing any harm?

Far from offending me, it's made me want to play Star Frontiers! I actually think this is a good thing and it started me thinking: The Classic Traveller LBB's could stand the same treatment. Soup them up with a new flashy PDF layout, add some super-lovely artwork and then give them away free on the intertron. I think it would benefit the Traveller community greatly.

Stranger things have happened.


star frontiers, rpg, traveller

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