
Dec 31, 2009 10:43

Well, so much for my resolution to post here more often. Where did the last two months go? I really must get back to that Aphid gunship model - that'll liven things up a bit.

Any-hoo - without giving any spoilers, I went to see Avatar in 3D the other night.
The trailer really really doesn't do it justice. I personally felt the story was more than adequate for a film of this type. The planet was beutifully realised. The hardware was very cool (I want a decent model of one of those choppers). The Na'avi were totally realistic (contrary to the trailers) and the 3D blew my mind.
Interestingly the 3D felt quite uneven. In a small, confined space, where nothing is say, more than 50 feet from the camera, it had tremendous depth and worked extremely well. On several occaisions I went to brush ferns and dust from my eyes. Anything over about 100 metres, however is so far away as to not really make a difference, so the space scenes were dissapointingly 2D. This may not have been helped by the fact that I was sat virtually at the front and over to the far right, so I was effectively looking up and left at the screen. The 3D worked fine but it felt slightly skewed. I also got slight polarisation in dark areas which may have been for the same reason.
Another thing that slightly marred my enjoyment was the bloke sat two seats along from me at the end of the row, chatting into his mobile phone!!. Sometimes I wish I was more threatening physically, I'd have told him to turn it off or I'd shove it up his arse. That, or just grab it off him and throw it way back into the audience so he could find it later. I certainly hope there really is a special hell for him somwhere though - aswell as the four or five 'lads' somewhere in the middle who were quite happy to comment and laugh loudly at various points throughout!

None of this was enough to spoil the movie, however. I've bunged the 'Art of' book on my Amazon wishlist and the DVD is a no-brainer when it comes out.



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