Forbidden planets and wars amongst the stars.

Oct 28, 2009 15:59

I've had a couple of days off whilst the kids are away at the grandfolks to help Elin do some stuff around the house. It's been blissful. It's like the weekends we used to have before Delyth was born.

As a consequence I took a wander into the city center yesterday to get a printer cartridge refill. Whilst there, I decided to finally have a look in Coventry's Forbidden Planet. It was a bit depressing if I'm honest. I remember the halcyon days of my youth when Forbidden Planet in Cardiff was a nurd mecca. A glorious sea of comics with some cool merchandise too. Now it seems to be a merchandise shop with some comics in the back. None of which I am remotely interested in. I wandered aroudn the whole shop and found myself utterly dissinterested in all of it. It all seemed like a load of old tat and a stupendous waste of money. This wasn't helped by the fact that far from feeling like part of a national chain, the Coventry store looks like they hired out any old shop and just dumped their goods along the walls. I was starkly reminded of one of those seedy indoor market stores like the pound shop or hypervalue. Bleh. Maybe it's just because I'm 40.

Anyway, on a more cheery note. I finally got my mits on a copy of Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy for the GameCube. It's bloody fantastic!!! I love it for one single reason and that is, you don't die. You just lose the bling you've collected thus far and carry on. In this way I can just play through the whole game without having to be a supernatural button masher - which usually requires me to use invulnerability. The objective is not just to complete the level but to complete the level with as much bling as you can which in turn unlocks other goodies. Cool. If I can be bothered, I'll do that. I wish there were more games like this because it's tremendously fun and rewarding without being utterly bloody frustrating. I might just have to get the first one now aswell.


star wars, lego, life

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