Still not catching up

Dec 08, 2021 07:49

OMG, I cannot catch up. Hopefully this weekend I can get some things caught up.

In my news, I had a visit with my regular doc and he said that all my lab work was perfect and I'm healthy as a horse. YAY!

Then I had an emergency visit with the eye doc because I've had this artifact in my right eye. Turns out it's a vitreous detachment. It's huge, which is why I can see it constantly as a gray-brown shadow. It should resolve on its own, but if I start to see flashes of light or hundreds of black floaters I'm to call and get in to see her because it means that my retina is either tearing from the weight of it, or even becoming detached itself.

ARGH. And yes, this is related to aging. I tell ya, aging sucks balls.

In other news, I'm getting caught up at work. The e-gift calls and emails are slowing down. This is good.

So at least I'm healthy as a horse and getting work done.
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