Dec 04, 2021 15:37
EGADS. It's been days since I posted or read anyone's posts or even seemingly had a moment to myself. (sigh)
I will catch up someday. Some ephemeral date in the future where I will have an office, and my things will be back in place and I won't keep running out of morning because I won't need to go somewhere during the work day to either get stuck for blood, or see a doctor, or go to physical therapy again. This time for something entirely new.
Fuck me.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, what has been happening.
Basically, I have been having to leave the house at stupidly early hours because I'm making up a bit of time or I'm going to a lab to let someone take blood or some other stupid thing that I don't want to do.
After next week, this will perhaps be over. We'll see.
I have been diagnosed with vertigo. Apparently this has something to do with crystals in your inner ear that are floating in a sack of fluid. As you get older the fluid becomes more viscous and the fucking crystals get stuck floating, and your body had no fucking idea whatsoever what a straight line is. So you walk in diagonal lines and hit walls, furniture, people, and assorted other things that might be in the way.
There is also a physical therapy thing where they teach you something called the "Epply" move or something to that effect, and that settles the crystals so you no longer walk into walls. Which is a good thing, because especially when you're at work and you walk into walls, people wonder if you're drunk.
In other news, we now have a roof. It's not quite finished, but it is on the house, and we have insulation and a ceiling in the room where the tree, many, many months ago, came into the house and wreaked havoc on our lives.
So for Christmas we are indeed getting a functional house. I will have my desk back. I will be able to go in and write and not have constant interruptions of someone (Pat) walking into the room to lie down on the bed and take a nap, or think about the universe, or do whatever artists do inside their heads when they are working on their art and reach a point where they need to think about things and stop doing things that will only fuck up what they are working on. This is critical.
So that's good news.
At work, the co-worker that I liked the most has left. She accepted a job at the university that pays a shitload more than she's making at LifeSouth. She's excited. I'm sad. But I'm also glad I am NOT the one going to work for the university. Been there. Done that. Put in ten years and got a pension that is shit, but better than nothing, and would never ever go back to work there again for any amount of money because it was a fucking hellhole of manipulation and doom.
I did box on Thursday because the vertigo let us and I could walk a straight line. It was really hard, and despite it being quite cool here (for Florida), I left soaking with sweat and exhausted. It felt good.
I'm hoping that I get to go climbing tomorrow. We'll see what happens.
In the good news column again, Pat and I watched NOBODY (a movie) on Amazon Prime, and it fucking rocked hard. Bob Odenkirk was amazing, and it was dark and funny and violent and well-written and fantastically acted, and when it was over we couldn't stop talking about it for an hour. I highly recommend it as long as you're not put off by violence. if you are, do not watch. It's very violent and will upset you.
But if you're like me and Pat and you can handle that and deadly dark humor is your jam, you will be wildly entertained.
Currently I'm reading THE YEAR'S BEST SPORTS WRITING, which is a collection of sports features written in 2020. It's really good. Every year I buy this collection, and it is always great. Really wonderful writing. I'm nearly finished and then I will take it to my boxing coach. I introduced him to the series about two years ago, and he relies upon me to loan him the book every year when I finish it. I will do that again this year.
I have no idea what I'll read next. I have books, books and more books. And I need to get rid of books. We gave about 200 to the Friends of the Friends of the Library for their annual book sale. But I must give away more. OMG, either that, or I'm going to just start leaving them in places and hoping people will find them and take them and give them a good home.
Pat is doing well, other than having to deal with roofers and plasterers and all kinds of workers. He's also been taking our Landlord to the eye doctor because he's having cataract surgery. So he is also busy, when he is not working on his art.
And now I've written a hugely long blog, which probably doesn't say much of anything, but this is the way it is right now in my world, so suck it up, buttercup.