Mar 26, 2007 14:21
I'm home sick today. I think I'm getting bronchitis!! O_O
I have congestion in my throat that makes me choke...and I think I know where I got this from...
That's it! Seeing 300 three times in a row opened me up to the nasty germ.
*hack* *cough*
Anyway, funny Meowzer story -
Last weekend when I was home watching a movie, my cat was eating his cat kernals and since I have both of his bowls on top of a step stool for the ants, he dropped one of his kernals in his water dish.
Mind you, his water bowl is a huge spagetti bowl since anything smaller he'll knock around the room with the water in it. O_O
Well...I'm watching the movie and I hear "splish" "splash" "splish" "ding ding (nail)" "splish" and when I look over, he's elbow deep in his water bowl trying to splash the kernel out! He'd lick his paw and then switch. I thought nothing of it.
He did this for HOURS...or until the movie was over. When I got up and looked I saw that the kernel was STILL in the bowl and the bowl was completely EMPTY.
YUP, all over the floor.
So, I said a few choice words and when I went to clean it up, he wrapped his soaking wet legs around my pants and try to HUMP MY LEG! O_O
Needless to say this Friday, I made an appointment for him to get the ole snip. Hehehe.